Ah, July... the 7th month of the year is here. I don't know about where you live, but here it gets really sunny (to the point of nights being short as f-...)
Regardless the time of the year, development posts regarding the current game status are here to stay!
Since we began this development adventure 4 months ago, I couldn't believe the amount of work behind these projects, but also the satisfaction of fulfilling them. The realisation of being able to accomplish your goals. And all that is very pretty... until you arrive the points where development is now: the last details and the bug raids.
Well, first of all, let me make myself clear: the goal I set for GameDev Season 2 is... pretty hard to achieve. I am not saying I won't fulfill it, but it is clearly something difficult. Let's say (as I posted in my Instagram account), there were tasks to fulfill and the Alpha would be done. When GDS2 began, there were 22 medium size tasks. A bit big but not that bad. Then I said... "why don't I modularise them so doing them is less tiring".
We don't seem to learn, don't we?
132 tasks.
And rising.
That is A LOT of tasks for the timeframe. And it seems I am doing advances with them as the percentage of done tasks as I write this post is 23,6% of modularised tasks expected to fulfill. If you visited the live demo percentage posts, you'll notice I already warned until the end of GDS2 I won't post the live percentage. Not to generate thrill or expectation or make an umbrella with a pineapple while singing sailor songs, but because I don't know how to quantify these progresses so I'll wait until I finish them :>
...what? you expect me to have everything under control?
Oh yeah. Remember how some posts ago there was someone watching? I think they are still here. But screw it, what's the worst that could happen?
...what if...
We'll leave it here for today. By the way, did someone manage to decript the secret message? It is avaliable on Reddit and Gamejolt.
(and can someone tell the two shiny red dots inside my closet to go away? i am trying to learn to ballroom dance)
Stay tuned